Protect, Preserve, & Enhance
Bridle Trails State Park
Update on Environmental Education Classroom & Welcome Station - Project Information Here
2024 Community Events
To get the latest updates, sign up for our newsletter below!
Horseshoes & Habitats
Saturday, June 22nd * 9am - 1pm
EXPERIENCE BRIDLE TRAILS STATE PARK! Join us for a morning of discovery that will include equestrian demonstrations, local animal specimens, Washington State Parks Interpretive activities, pony rides, and opportunities for both Eco & Equestrian Scout badge work.
Earth Day 2024
Saturday, April 20th * 9am
Our long-running spring stewardship event, with volunteers helping take care of the park, is scheduled near Earth Day. The focus is typically on removing invasive plants and planting natives. We usually get many scouts and families pitching in.
Nature Walks
Spring & Summer Dates Announced!
Not just botany, but also ecology, park history, animals, and mushrooms!
National Public Lands Day is our fall community stewardship event, and takes place in September. Like our Earth Day event, we ask volunteers to help take care of the park, assisting the Ranger and Park Aide with time consuming tasks. Many hands make light work!
LWSC Trail Rides
Spring Has Sprung Prize Ride ~ Saturday, April 27th
Equine & Vines Prize Ride ~ Saturday, August 3rd
The Foundation celebrates its equine friends and their families, through annual support of unique trail rides organized by our partners in the park, the Lake Washington Saddle Club.