About Us
The Bridle Trails Park Foundation is a non-profit 501c3 established in 2002 to assist in the stewardship our community’s premiere forested oasis. Our mission is to help maintain and enhance Bridle Trails State Park’s unique role as a rare public venue in an urban area, where both horses and people can connect with each other and nature.
Our Mission
Education: We provide environmental education opportunities that foster an understanding and appreciation of the natural world in this remarkable urban forest. Our programs, resources, and activities encourage participation in the protection and care of the park.
Stewardship: We assist in the care and preservation of this complex forest ecosystem by providing and organizing programming, funding, advocacy, and volunteer opportunities.
Engagement: We welcome a diverse and growing community with special events designed for family enjoyment that are safely tailored to our unique and treasured pedestrian and equestrian natural area.
Partnerships: Working closely with our partner, the Lake Washington Saddle Club, we strongly support Washington State Parks in their mission to meaningfully connect Washingtonians with the ecological wonders and equestrian culture of Bridle Trails State Park.
Our History
Bridle Trails is one of the oldest state parks in Washington. The park was formed in response to community requests and has been supported by the community since its inception in the 1930s. The Foundation was formed by local residents in 2002 after annual budget reductions continually brought the future of the park into jeopardy.
In June 2003, the Bridle Trails Park Foundation entered into a formal, 40-year agreement to act in partnership with the State by funding half of the annual net operating cost of operations of Bridle Trails State Park in exchange for assurance from the State that this one-of-a-kind park will remain open.
Because of our financial obligations to the state, our early focus was primarily on fundraising. Over the years we have been increasing our engagement with the community through events, education, and stewardship.
Bridle Trails State Park
Our Board
The Bridle Trails Park Foundation is overseen by a small group of dedicated volunteer board members. As frequent visitors, we have a deep personal connection to the power of the park and have experienced the value of equestrian and pedestrian users respectfully sharing trails. We donate our time and energy so this environmental and community asset will be here for generations to come. Our responsibility is to not only protect and maintain the park but to enhance it and engage the community in its future.
Kelly Gode - President
Kelly and her family are 27-year residents of Bridle Trails. Her passion is plants, animals and nature --- that perpetual dose of the forest. Any opportunity to be outside in the park --- running, walking with friends, or family adventures when kids were still small --- that is the magic. As Bellevue and Kirkland have become increasingly urbanized, Kelly is focused on the park’s role as a peaceful refuge, as a center of community recreational health and happiness, and as a continuous reminder of the importance of natural resources in our local and regional ecosystem.
Jim Erckmann - Vice President
Bridle Trails residents for more than 30 years, Jim and his wife rode their horses in the park for many decades. A professional ecologist with a love of nature, Jim's passion is promoting appreciation of this incredible natural area through environmental education and interpretation. Jim participates in many of our school and scout programs and leads and organizes weekend nature walks. Before he retired, Jim was Watershed Ecosystems Manager for the City of Seattle, where he managed a group of biologists, foresters, and other professionals doing habitat restoration and conducting research on species and ecosystems.
Catherine Williams - Secretary
Catherine has called Kirkland home for 7 years since moving to the city from LA. While the rain took some getting used to, Bridle Trails immediately became a favorite refuge. The tree canopy and lush trails make even a grey day stunningly beautiful! As a competitive runner, Catherine utilizes the park’s 28 miles of maintained trails to train for marathons & local trail races. Catherine is a venture capitalist investing in software all over the country, so when she isn’t stuck on Zoom or on a plane, she is a fierce advocate of walking meetings— the best way to introduce people to our beautiful park!
Candice Boyd - Treasurer
Candice has lived in Washington since 1997 and works in technology at T-Mobile's Tech Experience located in Bellevue. Before moving to her Bridle Trails property in 2018, her horses lived in the neighborhood at Overlake Farm since 2015. Candice also serves on the board of the Lake Washington Saddle Club and can be found organizing and volunteering at equestrian events throughout the year. Candice is passionate about the preservation of this natural gem for both equestrians and the public.
Mary Decher
Mary is a 40-year resident of Bridle Trails, making use of and enjoying the Park almost daily. Her two daughters grew-up on park trails and arenas with their ponies, then horses. Her love of the Park runs deep! It is a unique asset to our environment, ecologically offering a resource for native plants and animals as well as offering a retreat for its human neighbors. Its value is priceless, worth all efforts to protect and preserve.
Renuka Getchell
Renuka was born and raised in the Puget Sound area. Her husband and four daughters have lived in Cherry Crest since 2004. When not working as a real estate broker, she is active in the Bellevue school district. She most recently served on the district facility planning committee and took an active role in campaigning for the school bond. She enjoys walking the park trails and loves watching the changes in nature she can observe each time she walks, never a dull moment. She is looking forward to being of service to the park.
Claire - Jr. Trustee
Claire and her family moved to Bridle Trails in 2022. She is a junior at Holy Names Academy and loves rowing, volunteering, and going for walks in the park with her family. Claire’s focus is youth engagement in the park. She believes that the park is a beautiful space that should be used by all.